Acupuncture involves the placement of very fine needles into precise points on the body to benefit a person’s health. These needles are not painful or uncomfortable. In fact, treatments are usually very relaxing… and some people find themselves having a nap while they’re on the table!
Acupuncture is part of a larger system of medicine known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is a diverse system of medicine and covers all major systems within the body. As such, acupuncture can be used for a wide range of acute and chronic ailments.
Acupuncture points have an influence over the area directly around then – for example, releasing pain and tension in the lower back by needling the affected area. An acupuncture point can also have an influence over areas far removed from the actual point being needled – for example, needling points on the ankle or foot to alleviate neck and shoulder pain.
Modern research is now beginning to explain how acupuncture works, from a scientific point of view. Researchers have identified that stimulating an acupuncture point can create measurable changes in the body; everything from nerve conduction to hormonal release.
Traditionally, acupuncture is explained through its influence on the flow of Qi (energy or life force) along the meridians (pathways throughout the body, along which Qi and Blood flows), which creates a map for the thousands of acupuncture points located all over the body.
Acupuncture can be used to help with a variety of conditions, including the following:
・Digestive complaints such as reflux, bloating, pain, flatulence, constipation and diarrhoea
・Stress, anxiety and mood disorders
・Energy and fatigue
・Neurogenic conditions including migraines, toothaches, trigeminal neuralgia and peripheralneuropathy.
・Musculoskeletal conditions including neck and shoulder pain, tension headaches, lower back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, frozen shoulder, and tennis elbow.
・Respiratory conditions including sore throats, coughs and colds, asthma, bronchitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis
・Cardiovascular issues such as, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis
・Menstrual complaints such as PMS, irregular cycles, pain and heavy bleeding
・Fertility support and preconception care
・Pregnancy, breastfeeding and postpartum care
・Menopause, andropause and healthy ageing