A food intolerance (as opposed to an allergy) is an immune system reaction to food(s) that is delayed or cumulative. This means that reactions don’t occur immediately after eating the food, it can be several hours later, or, you don’t react every time you eat the food, it might take repeated exposures to trigger a reaction. This makes it hard to identify food intolerances by doing food eliminations.
The Food Detective test uses a fresh blood sample obtained with a finger prick and is processed immediately in clinic. Fresh blood gives more accurate results. It tests your immune reaction to 56 commonly consumed foods by checking which foods trigger an IgG inflammatory response from your blood sample. You will be given a report of the outcomes of your intolerance test and advice on how to move forward with these findings, individualised for you personally.
Depending on the strength of the reaction you may need to totally avoid a food, or just reduce the frequency you consume it.
The foods tested are as follows –
Cereals - Corn, Wheat, Gluten, Oat. Rice, Rye, Durum wheat
Fish - Salmon, Trout, Prawn, Crab, Lobster, Mussel, Tuna, Haddock, Cod, Plaice
Fruits – Apple, Blackcurrant, Grapefruit, Rockmelon, Watermelon, Olive, Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, Tomato
Meat – Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork
Dairy/Eggs – Cow’s milk, Whole Egg
Nuts – Almond, Brazil Nut, Cashew Nut, Peanut, Walnut
Vegetables/Legumes – Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Leek, Pea, Lentil, Haricot Bean, Capsicum, Potato, Soy Bean
Other – Cocoa Bean, Garlic, Ginger, Mushroom, Tea, Yeast
You can make an appointment for this test at both our Alstonville and Lennox Head clinic, to be performed by a university trained practitioner. It is not claimable on your health fund and a referral fro your GP is NOT required.