Bachelor Clinical Science (Osteopathy)
Master Osteopathic Medicine
Cert Pilates
Bridie graduated from Southern Cross University with a Masters in Osteopathic Medicine and a Bachelor of Clinical Sciences. For 10 years she worked as a Pilates instructor with a keen interest in functional movement and rehabilitative exercise. This sparked her passion for integrative and personalised healthcare.
Bridie has a very holistic approach to treatment, seeking to find the root cause of pain to improve function, biomechanics and prevent reoccurrence.
Bridies treatment style consists of direct and strong soft tissue release or joint manipulations, as well as more indirect gentle techniques such as myofascial release, stretching, mobilisation and Osteopathy in the Cranial field. She works with you to determine the best type of treatment for you and your condition. Education, exercise, diet, and goal setting all influence your health outcomes, and Bridie addresses these within her consultations in order for you to get the best out of your consultations.