Bachelor Clinical Science (Osteopathic Studies & Human Structure and Function)
Masters of Osteopathic Medicine
As the most experienced Osteopath currently treating in both Lennox Head and Alstonville, Grant Sinclair brings over 15 years of clinical knowledge into his assessments and treatments. Unravelling complicated cases is something he thoroughly enjoys and is referred to for by local doctors, including rehabilitation pre and post surgery by local orthopaedic specialists.
He is a government registered Osteopath who completed 5 years of university training, before beginning his career as an Osteopath in Brisbane in 2012. Grant moved back to the Northern Rivers with his family to open Alstonville Osteopathy, now Northern Rivers Health and to commence a teaching position with the Osteopathic Faculty at Southern Cross University.
A dedicated and enthusiastic Osteopath, Grant developed an interest in Osteopathy from a young age. Whilst playing soccer across Australia and internationally throughout his school years, he maintained his health and fitness with regular Osteopathic treatments. Grant continues to play soccer in the Far North Coast premier division team, coaches youth football and maintains a passion for understanding how the body moves and functions, from walking and running mechanics to postural patterns and breathing complaints.
Grant enjoys treating everyone, from the weekend warrior and trained athlete, to pregnant mums and babies. He looks to identify how Osteopathy can assist you to move and function better by assessing you as a whole and having an awareness of how different areas of the body have an effect on each other.
Grant has a variety of techniques which he will use on an individual basis, taking into account the patients presenting complaint and lifestyle factors. His consults involve techniques range from gentle movement and mobilisation, soft tissue massage, dry needling stretching of specific muscle groups and adjustments to more subtle indirect techniques. These techniques are aimed at achieving a change in musculoskeletal structures to initiate the body's ability to begin healing itself.
Grant has completed a number of seminars and courses which have added a great depth of experience, tools and techniques to his practice. He is a ProKinetics Insole Provider and has attended courses in Posturology through Northpoint Osteopathy.
Other courses he has completed include:
Paedatrics in Osteopathy
Pregnancy and Postnatal Care in Osteopathy
Retained Neonatal Reflexes
Functional 3X
Balanced Ligamentous Tension
RockTape Kinesiology Taping
Dry Needling
Northpoint's Pregnancy, Lumbo-pelvic and Heart-Lung Breathing Courses.